Vision Correction while you sleep!
Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)
Like orthodontics for your eyes, Ortho-K lenses gently reshape the cornea while you sleep to improve your vision. While commonly used to correct shortsightedness they can also be used for hyperopia and astigmatism. Though they don't permanently change the shape of the eye, when wearing regularly overnight while sleeping, the gentle pressure changes the curve of the eye so light entering the eye during daytime falls on the back of the eye for clearer vision so no need for spectacle or contact lens wear during the day. When Ortho-k lens wear is ceased the curvature of eye returns to how it was.
In children, Ortho-k lenses are used to help slow the progression of myopia. This is especially important for children with parents who are short sighted.
Click video to watch an English Sky News story on Ortho-K below.
Who can benefit from (Ortho-K)
• People wanting to be free of spectacles or contact lens wear
• Children with family history of myopia (short sightedness) to prevent progression
• Industry workers in dusty or dry environments
• Adults and children participating in sports - great for watersports or contact sports
Download a pdf of our Ortho-K Procedure Brochure Click Here
Myopia Control and Ortho-K
Ortho-K has shown to be a very successful option of preventing short sighted progression. Slowing the progression of myopia is important especially for children with parents who are short sighted.
By correcting the short sightedness with Ortho-K lenses prevents the eye from elongating and potential risks to eyesight as the tissues of the eye stretch.